I am really pleased about how the pigs have turned out. Our first batch of pigs went to the abattoir today and I must say, they looked good. Yes, I am a little biased, but they really did! So I spent the weekend getting ready to move them today. Yesterday I built about 60 feet of temporary fencing using wood pallets and tieing them together with 2x4's. I did them in 12 foot sections to make them easier to move.
When my great neighbours came by today we (they) moved them into place, we opened the gates and tried calling the pigs. They looked up and then ignored us - obviously more interested in what they were doing then leaving. One was sunning himself, one was checking out a log and one was repositioning in the mud. After a few tries they were convinced to head down the lovely corridor we made and they toddled into the trailer. Start to finish it took 1 hour to load. Now I just need to finish my costing, doublecheck which products these will be and look forward to some great bacon. Days like this I love being a rancher!
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