The 6 piglets, we call them the "Pinkies" are growing okay. We got them when they were five weeks old and it took the first couple weeks for them to really adjust to the new feed. They really seem to prefer having some vegies in with their grain. The transition to the grain feed seemed to take a little longer than normal with these guys, but they are really enjoying the grain now that we have started to add their eggs and vegies to it. As they are getting older their personalities are really starting to show and they are enjoying learning how to dig.
The new pens are going great and I"m looking forward to getting the third one built this fall. But we have some new animals to show off. A couple shots of our new llamas, a couple new ewes came with lambs at side, and we had a baby lamb born a few weeks ago. The smallest lamb we have ever had born. It's now almost a month old and the size of a normal newborn. But she is a determined girl and we named her Rosey.

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