We ended up with over two dozen lambs born in our early spring lambing. We were generally happy with our production, although we did have a handful of ewes that had twins last year and then singles this year. The ram has been fairly consistent for us with twins, but because it was proven breeders that were having singles it does make you wonder. We also made a trip to Alberta to pick up 18 sheep. We will be using some of these for our pet food order and some we will be keeping for breeding. We have decided to breed back some wool into the flock, having primarily used a Dorper ram for the past few years, we have some excellent hair stock that have wool back 1 or 2 generations. So we are thinking to breed back one season with a wool ram to regenerate that part. In the meantime, I've also picked up some new wool ewes.
And finally, we are trying to arrange to purchase some another 24 ewes and lambs. This should provide us with enough lambs to satisfy current market orders and finally get our breeding ewes number backup to where we are self-sufficient. If that purchase falls through we will continue to be on the lookout for additional ewes.
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