Thursday 27 October 2011

The New Ram Is Here!!

This should really be like front page news! I brought our new ram home the other day. We will be calling him Mozart. We bought him from the same farm that we bought our first Dorper ram from, many years ago, and the first ram's name was Chopin - thus, the new guy is Mozart. He is a purebred Black-Headed Dorper ram. He is a yearling and a lovely size. Still some growing left to do, but he looks great.

This is the new guy. Notice how nice and big and muscly
rounded his front shoulders and back end are.
This is Mozart at the feeder with his first "harem" of girls.
For the next 17 days he will be working with nine ewes.

Another angle of Mozart. I need to get a better shot of his back end,
but you can see how great he is - standing square and big in all the
right areas. Makes me hungry just looking at him!
 So far, Mozart is doing great with the ladies. He's has had some recent experience so he knows what his job is. He's been with his new harem now for 24 hours and has already covered at least three that we know of. The green chalk on his chest is so that we can tell which ewes he has covered - easier to keep track of due dates that way. Colour wears off after a while so all is good.

Anyway, we are all excited here. He is a great addition to the ranch. As I don't have enough ewes to keep him really busy we will probably make him available to a few other select ewes. Call if you are interested.

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